The problem of theft in children

The problem of theft in children

The problem of theft in children : To describe a child as a steal is in accordance with the standards of adults, but the child himself does not feel that he has committed an offense because he simply does not know the rules governing the ownership of things for himself and others. That’s why we’re keen on this article from pure’s blog series to highlight the problem to find out what causes it is and how it can be remedied.


 Negative behavior by the child in order to obtain the property of others ,It is one of the behaviors that a child acquires from his or her environment through learning and theft begins as a clear behavioral disorder at the age of 5-8 years and may develop into delinquency at the age of 10-15 years and may continue until late adolescence.

Manifestations of theft in children:

  • Malicious theft:

resorting to theft in retaliation for adults in order to cause panic and panic, in this form the child expresses aggressive tendencies towards others

  • Stealing the love of possession:

.to provide it with simple to play supplies

  • Theft as a love of adventure and reconnaissance:

this type of theft is motivated by the child for adventure and reconnaissance on things he has not seen before or seemed strange to him was exploiting the absence of the park ranger in order to pick certain fruits that he did not taste before

  • Theft as a mental disorder:

there are many psychological factors that drive a child to steal, including the need for influence, hunger or reconnaissance, and appear in the form of a profoundly psychoactive behavioral disorder resulting from pathological conflicts in the same child that we can only confirm through psychoanalysis

  • Theft for self-realization:

A child may seek to steal in order to satisfy internal needs that he sees as stealing money in order to go to the cinema or to buy things in front of his colleagues in order to show himself.

Theft as a result of deprivation: The child seeks to compensate for internal deprivation by theft.

The causes of this problem:

1-The wrong educational methods in dealing with the child, such as the use of the method of cruelty, punishment or excessive pampering, and if accompanied by the failure to get used to the distinction between his property and the privacy of others, as well as the wrong example has an active role in the child’s practice of this behavior.

2-The external environment that surrounds the child, the presence of the child in the midst of a group that engages in theft makes him comply with its orders until he gets his place in it.

3-Internal factors in the child, such as feeling inferior in front of his friends, if the economic situation of the family is bad, then he steals to buy what he can brag about among them.

Or as an aggressive reaction of the child and a desire to take revenge and rebel against the authority or to others around him.

4-Media viewing of movies and adventures practicing this behavior and showing the thief a strong hero and this gives the child examples to follow suit and enhance his behavior.

5-Depriving the child of something he wants and likes to own, whether this deprivation is related to material or moral matters.

Treatment of theft in children

  • The father must face the matter and not evade it and explain to his child the serious consequences of this matter.
  • After the child knows that his or her behavior was wrong, he or she must take action to return the thing to the owner.
  • Parents should take the initiative to find out why and treat it.
  • Equality between children so that jealousy is not the cause of this behavior.
  • When you reject something, rejection must be justified, logical and in a calm manner.
    • Don’t make the child feel like a criminal and try to help him get over the situation quietly, but also firmly.
    • Keep an eye on your child, get close to him, and watch his or her behavior and friends.
    • Don’t leave your child with the temptations to steal, so don’t leave money on the desk, for example, and keep your valuables in their storage spaces.
    • Try to provide the necessary food, clothing, allowance and so on.
  • Directing the child morally and religiously and explaining to him the punishment of those who do so with Allah may be ignorant of the meaning of theft or imitate a friend.
    • Respect his property.
    • Do not blame him or make him aware of the behavior of theft in front of others so as not to resort to repetition.
    • Cut some stories on him that explain the fate of the thieves but do not indicate that he is one of them.
    • Use reinforcement when it’s not stolen .

prepared by Afaf Albader