Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder :

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder, which is repeated and unexpected panic or panic attacks, followed by constant fear of other attacks or complications of the attacks, and it may be accompanied by avoiding leaving the house and fear of places or situations in which getting out is difficult or in which it is difficult Get quick help from others such as markets, crowded places and travelling.

A panic attack is a short period of intense fear that occurs suddenly and reaches a climax within minutes and shows some of the following symptoms:

1. Heart palpitations, hypertension of the left chest muscle
2. A feeling of shortness of breath or suffocation
3. Feeling of shaking or trembling
4. Paresthesia or feeling gusts of cold or heat
5- Fear of losing self-control or insanity
6. Feeling dizzy and unbalanced
7. Sweating

There is no specific cause for panic disorder, but genetic factors may have a major role in addition to personal predisposition to the occurrence of panic attacks, as the nervous system of some people may respond strongly to simple stimuli, especially if the person is constantly going through things that cause his anxiety and put him under psychological stress, and it may also happen when the person goes through stages. Transitional in life, such as entering university, getting married, having the first child, or starting a new job.

Sometimes a person with panic disorder thinks for the first time that he is having a heart attack, which requires that he go to the emergency department and after conducting all the tests that confirm that he is completely free of any organic problem, this makes it easier to diagnose his condition

Panic disorder can be treated in two basic ways: pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy (cognitive behavioral therapy and psychological education) to know what the disorder is and deal with its symptoms as it should, and also important things in treatment are relaxation sessions, regulating breathing, avoiding caffeine, and regulating sleep.


prepared by Dr. Rania Elbaz

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