What is sexual identity disorder

What is sexual identity disorder : 

What is sexual identity disorder ? Sexual identity disorder is defined as a condition in which a person feels an incompatibility between the biological nature of which he was born and his gender identity.

Sexual identity disorder is officially classified as a medical disorder, as according to this designation this condition is caused by a combination of behavioral, psychological, and biological factors, and it is important to note that sexual identity disorder is not a mental illness !.

Causes of infection with sexual identity disorder: –

At present, the exact cause of sexual identity disorder is still unknown! However research shows that the condition can begin early in the development of the fetus while it is in the womb of the mother, and hormonal imbalance can also affect the patient’s body, including the brain, and genitals.

The main symptoms: –

The symptoms of sexual identity disorder can be observed in early childhood, as young children who suffer from this condition often show the following: –

• Insist again and again that he is a girl or a boy.

• Does not comply with traditional urine passes, such as refusing to sit or stand.

Distress signs of puberty changes.

Isolation from classmates.

• Signs of anxiety appear.

• Signs of loneliness and depression appear.

All of these symptoms can be associated with dissatisfaction with the body or sex with which they were born! Children usually refuse to wear birth-specific clothing, or refuse to engage in “gender-specific activities.”

Speech impairment between the sexes can persist into adulthood and the following signs and symptoms may appear: –

  • Feeling comfortable in the opposite sex role.
  • Feeling lonely and depressed.
  •  low self-esteem.
  • Tension and anxiety.
  • Social isolation.
  • Suicide tendencies.

Research shows that individuals with sexual identity disorder are at risk of suicide! In fact, 40% of transgender individuals in the United States attempted suicide at some point in their lives!

Research also shows that they are likely to suffer from a number of mental disorders, including eating disorders that can put their general health at serious risk!

Methods of treating sexual identity disorder: –

Individuals with sexual identity disorder are encouraged to see a doctor or psychiatrist, these medical professionals can in turn provide the necessary efforts and support, treatment of sexual identity disorder does not aim to make patients match their specific gender at birth, but to reduce or eliminate the distress they feel On their gender disparity.

Treatment options include:

  • Treatment for the whole family of the patient.
  • Individual therapy or counseling sessions.
  • Hormone therapy.
  • • Sex change by surgical intervention, and this is in extreme cases.
  • Gender conflict affects people in different ways! It can change the way a person wants to express their gender, and can influence behavior, dress and self-image.


People with a gender disorder feel so strongly that their gender does not match their biology! For example:-

A person with a male reproductive system, and all the male physical attributes of a male may instead feel that he’s actually a female! This person will have a strong desire to have a female body and to be accepted by others as a female! And vice versa in women, the feeling that your body does not reflect your true sex can cause severe distress, anxiety, and depression, called “dystonia” is a feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety! With sexual dysfunction, discomfort with your body, whether male or female, may be so severe that it may interfere with your normal life, for example at school, at work, or during social activities, which is why psychotherapy and doctor follow-up play an important role in eliminating all of this anxiety.

Preparation counselor: Dr. Fatin Mirza

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