My teenage son changed

My teenage son changed :

My teenage son changed : One of the mothers came to the clinic one day, asking the mentor to explain the reason for changing her son, whose behavior differed from the previous one. And the mother said, “My son became irritable – he does not sit at home with us – stubborn in his views – he does not talk much with us – much late to return to the home .. How do I act with him? The mentor said to the mother: Do you think that because of your son’s entering adolescence, he does these actions? She said: I don’t know what stage changes, but my son changed to me .. ”

These attitudes are very common in receiving parents when filing a complaint against their teenage children. Unfortunately, the solution is sometimes very easy, but understanding the problem is the great disaster in knowing the motives of the children’s behavior.

The teenager goes through four basic changes in his life that parents need to manage.


Physical changes. It is a gateway to adolescence and is known as puberty. It begins with features of masculinity and features of femininity appear clearly on children, it starts average for males 13-15 and females 9-11.


psychological changes, which are changes associated with mood, happiness, and sadness in him, as well as the teenager’s impression of himself constitutes a profound psychological effect in dealing with others, and these changes begin in the second stage of adolescence known as intermediate adolescence. Also known for some mental disorders at this stage, including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Social changes, which are changes in interaction with others, so that the teenager becomes less focused on his family and more with his friends, and rather prefers to spend times with them more frequently and the teenager feels the need to deal with adults because the belief that he has has become a man.


emotional changes and they are changes Resulting from physical changes that affect adolescents ’emotions with events, including anger, impulsivity, nervousness in situations, sharpness in responses, and isolation in the room.

In view of these changes that occur in a teenager, we will learn that for every stage of a person’s life certain changes cause him to behave in a certain pattern, and adolescence is the most rapid stage in which these changes occur, so parents must get to know these changes that happen in the life of Teens to behave properly.

Preparation counselor: Ali Al-Sultan

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